The Light-Lab
Can we change our luck? Change our reality?
Everything in the universe is made up of just three different particles; electrons, up quarks & down quarks. That’s it, from stars to humans.
However, we don’t think of particles as being the most fundamental objects in the universe.
We think of particles as manifestations of quantum fields, and think of these quantum fields as invisible fluids or oceans that fill the whole universe.
And every electron or quark, the atoms in our bodies is a little vibration in these otherwise invisible fields.
It is important to understand, in the quantum realm there’s no separation. There’s nothing physical, there’s nothing material. There’s no matter that’s taking place in three dimensional reality. It’s all energy, it’s all frequency, it’s all vibration. It’s all information. It’s all consciousness. It’s all thought. And that is the invisible field of energy.. sometimes referred to as; God Consciousness, the Energy of Space, Dark Matter, or Unresolved Physics.
And it’s this invisible field of energy that determines our “Luck”.
Einstein said.. “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle”. Note, he didn’t say the particle controls the particle. He said the field controls the particle, and controls our reality.
So if we can change information in the field.. then we should be able to affect the particle matter, and change reality, change our luck.
It turns out the atom is 99.99999% energy, information.
There’s really nothing physical, barely 0.00001% material there.
So, in the reality of the material world the probability of us seeing the truth or changing our luck of reality is practically zero.
In our day to day world we are seeing & believing only a small spectrum of frequency (“I’ll believe it when I see it” is a common saying). The rainbow. Basically, visible light bouncing off the most stable form of energy, called matter. Giving us this illusion. This illusion of separation.
So, if there is a way to create from the field and change our luck we must move closer to the source, and create from a place of wholeness and less from separation.
Experiments indicate that if you can “linger” in the energy of space under certain conditions, something really profound happens to the brain. Your brain starts to get highly organised. Different parts of the brain that were modulated start unifying and start to resonate at the same frequency and firing as one.
The entire brain will start functioning as one neurological network. The two hemispheres coming together, in a psychic union, you start seeing synchronicities, you start to synchronise your energy to any possibility and you start seeing coincidences, and the opportunities, trading or otherwise.
The Light-Lab exploration work builds on the above and two additional propositions. Firstly, that there are only two pure media; light & thought. Secondly, the microtubules that are abundant in the neurons within our brain & body are fundamental to consciousness, and could support the level of Quantum Mechanics where one could expect the Quantum State to collapse (the so-called Collapse of the Wave Function) and be able to interact with fluctuating quantum fields occurring on a tiny microscopic quantum scale, and then get stretched across the Universe during inflation and imprint themselves irrevocably onto the Universe & God Consciousness.
It is worth noting that the A&B lattices (helical type arrangements) of our microtubules resemble parallel fur cones and are connected to Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci sequence can be found across all of nature: plants, animals, weather structures, star systems. It is ever-present in the universe, and just happens to be the most important component of our Forex Trading System.
Change our luck, change our reality.. indeed.