PAMM-Art® are a series of curated commissioned fine art works that sit in site-specific spaces usually in run down districts within the UK. They serve as a focal point & provider for funds & expertise for viable work-life businesses.
Each artwork has unusual unique attributes; its provenance and title ownership is represented by a NFT (Non-fungible token) generated & stored on the Solana blockchain using a Helium Hotspot device. The Artwork’s designated Hotspot includes real-time monitoring of location, ownership & earnings, and can be managed on the Helium Wallet App. This also provides the means to receive a steady stream of funds generated by a remote assigned AngloSverige forex algorithm. The funds are then used as occasional start-up capital.
All the PAMM-Art® works are loosely based around the third novel of Irish writer James Joyce, published in 1916; “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”.
Which tells the familiar story of our lives as we embark on a career journey experiencing various epiphanies, mostly misleading ones, including those of a spiritual, religious, identity, and artistic nature.
PAMM-Art® also aims to dispel the urban myth that the Magic Money Tree does not exist… The argument is that the local production of say, a single unwanted faucet (tap) can actually lead to the creation of hundreds of nearby service providers such as; cafes, graphic studios, pop up marketers, social media creators, bookeepers, security outfits, AirBnBs, hair dressers and the such like regardless of the success or failure of the faucet enterprise.
Applicants can apply for twelve months of funding for designated business start ups according to terms & conditions.